Vad innebär rehabilitering och sjuksköterskans omvårdnad för patienter vid stroke?
Engelsk titel: What does rehabilitation and nursing care imply for patients with stroke?
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Engman M
Lundgren SM
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 34
UI-nummer: 09103396
Previous research and literature related to nursing roll in stroke rehabilitation stresses that the nurses have a central roll in the rehabilitation
process. This central roll implies that the nurse throw education, guidance and emotional support can facilitate that the patients recognise their
ability to perform self-care activities. The aim of this interview study was to explore what rehabilitation and nursing care implies for patients
with stroke. Data was obtained from eleven patients at two stroke rehabilitation wards, analyzed with content analyze. The result shows that the
patients experienced a possibility for an independent life, and nurse’s mode of care as diffuse. They asked for more of personal dialog with the
nurse. It is important that nurses change their manner, becomes more distinctive in their mode of care if nurses rehabilitative function are going
to be fulfilled.