Ansträngningsastma kan vara laryngeal obstruktion. Inte ovanligt bland unga idrottare - viktigt undvika felbehandling
Engelsk titel: Exercise-induced asthma could be laryngeal obstruction. Not uncommon among young sportsmen - avoiding the wrong treatment is important
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Johansson HM
Nordvall L
Wenngren E
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 11
UI-nummer: 09091426
Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) is a misnomer that should be replaced by Exercise-induced Laryngeal Obstructions (EILOs). The condition may be suspected in patients with exercise-induced laryngeal stridor. Videolaryngoscopy during exercise is the preferred method of examination in patients with EILOs and supraglottic obstruction has by far turned out to be the most prevalent cause of the disorder, whereas glottic obstruction appears to occur only rarely. At Akademiska sjukhuset, we have since 2005 examined 39 patients with exercise-induced breathing problems where a laryngeal cause was suspected. In 26 cases supraglottic closure of varying degree was found, whereas only two exhibited a clear cut glottic closure and another two a combined condition. In selected cases a supraglottoplasty has yielded excellent results.