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Effekten af geriatrisk intervention på rehabilitering af aeldre patienter med hoftefraktur
Engelsk titel: The effect of geriatric intervention on rehabilitation of elderly patients with hip fracture Läs online Författare: Gregersen M ; Jensen NC ; Mörch MM ; Damsgaard EM Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 18 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 09111872


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2009;171(46)3336-40 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: Hip fracture is the most common cause of long hospitalisation among elderly and is increasing in the group of elderly aged 85+ years. Hip fractures are asssociated with a host of factors and mainly caused by falls and osteoporosis. Material and methods: The Geriatric Team of the orthopaedic ward, geriatric rehabilitation and follow-home function (GO) is compared to traditional orthopaedic treatment (ORT) among elderly aged 65+ with respect to: haemoglobin difference before surgery and 3-6 months after fracture, osteoporosis treatment, length of stay, change in accommodation, readmission and mortality within six months after admission and incidence of new fracture within two years. Results: Median length of stay was reduced from 15 till 13 days. Significantly more were treated with calcium/D-vitamin and bisphosphonate. The risk of a new fracture within two years was lower (incidence rate ratio = 0,72 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0,39-1,32)). Geriatric intervention did not reduce readmission (odds ratio (OR) = 1,09 (95% CI: 0,71-1,67)) and mortality (OR = 1,22 (95% CI: 0,71-2,11)). Conclusion: A combined geriatric orthopaedic effort in elderly with hip fracture seems to improve the quality as well as the efficiency of treatment. The concept would benefit from further development and combination with other initiatives aimed at accelerating the treatment pathway of the elderly.