Engelsk titel: Vision jeopardising xerophthalmia in Denmark
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Höngaard SK
Hjortdal J
Email: sarah.hongaard@studmed.au.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 2
UI-nummer: 10011205
A 54-year-old alcoholic was admitted with keratomalacia in 2001. The right cornea had an ulceration and the left cornea had stromal necrosis and a perforation. Serum retinol and serum betacaroten were extremely low. Treatment consisted of high-dose retinol and left sided cornea transplantation. The right eye healed with little scarring, vision: 0.5. The left eye was stabilized after a second cornea transplantation and covering with conjunctiva, vision: hand movement at a distance of 1 m. This proves the existence of symptomatic vitamin A deficiency among socially exposed subjects in Denmark.