Effektiv och säker läkemedelsterapi kräver bättre IT-system. Enkät till läkemedelskommitteernas ordförande visar på brister
Engelsk titel: Efficient and safe drug therapy requires better IT systems. A survey among the chairmen of the Swedish Drug and Therapeutics Committees reveals shortages
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Lexne E
Johansson EK
Petersson G
Gustafsson LL
Email: erikl@ltkalmar.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 14
UI-nummer: 10011293
IT-support for drug treatment is necessary and has gained increasing clinical use. The chairmen of the Swedish Drug and Therapeutics Committees (n=24) responded in a survey that the healthcare IT-systems were not user-friendly. They also reported that these systems lack medical management and quality operation plans. Although, most of the healthcare regions have drug-drug interaction warnings in their computer decision support systems, the majority of the respondents regarded that the systems are of substandard quality. Only half of respondents found the drug lists were updated often or fairly often. The survey revealed that electronic medication services are essential in healthcare. The respondents supported that the systems were to contain producer independent and evidence-based sources of information. They suggested that information should be easily and rapidly accessible and user friendly. They considered that the systems need to be managed and quality assured in order to be considered safe and used by the prescribers.