Beskrivelse af alvorligt kraeftsyge patienters problemer og lidelse i sygeplejediagnoser
Several studies about Danish patients suffering from advanced cancer indicate that nurses hardly ever involve the patients’ perspective and thereby the patients’ experienced suffering in the development of nursing diagnosis or in praxis. The aim of the study was to describe which impact a systematic introduction and supervision about M. Gordon’s idea on nursing diagnosis would have on the numbers of nursing diagnosis that included the patients’ perspective and thereby the patients suffering. The numbers of nursing diagnosis that included the patients’ perspective increased from 18% out of 4,902 diagnoses to 58% out of 1,306 diagnoses. Simultaneously the amount of nursing diagnoses decreased with 40%.
Our experience is that it is a long and demanding process to develop a culture and praxis in which the ideals about focusing on the patients’ suffering is implemented. It demands a continuously critical and constructive hard work with regard to resources, priorities, organisation and the performance of nursing.