Oklart stöd för vakuumassisterad behandling vid svårläkta sår. Svar från SBU:s Upplysningstjänst
Topical negative pressure (TNP) treatment is a commonly used technique in the hospital care of acute or postoperative large, open wounds. In recent years the method has also been used to promote healing of so-called hard-to-heal ulcers, e.g. pressure ulcers, various leg ulcers, and diabetic foot ulcers. The SBU enquiry service has summarized the scientific literature on the clinical effects of TNP in treating hard-to-heal ulcers. Several systematic reviews show that scientific evidence is currently insufficient to promote TNP treatment for hard-to-heal ulcers. Several of the included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) report better results from TNP treatment compared to placebo or standard treatment. However, according to the systematic reviews, these RCTs contain such serious quality deficiencies that their results must be interpreted with caution. High quality studies are required to assess TNP in treating patients with hard-to-heal ulcers.