Hundbett gav kvarstående dövhet. Capnocytophaga canimorsus orsakade allvarlig infektion med sepsis
Engelsk titel: Permanent hearing loss following dog bite. Capnocytophaga canimorsus caused severe infection with sepsis
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Widlund, Martin
Duberg, Ann-Sofi
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 16
UI-nummer: 10071486
When a person who reports being bitten by a dog shows signs and symptoms indicating infectious disease, it is advisable to consider infection caused by Capnocytophaga Canimorsus. This slow growing gram negative rod is normally found as oral flora in domestic dogs and is a well known pathogen in humans. Infection caused by C. canimorsus often has a quiet initial course and is therefore at risk of being overlooked, with risk of a rapidly worsened condition sometimes followed by serious complications. This case-report describes a scenario in which a previously healthy 61-year-old woman is left with sustained unilateral loss of hearing following severe illness caused by C. canimorsus.