Akutt hjerteinfarkt i Midt-Norge - transport for primaer PCI-behandling eller trombolyse?
Background. Occluded coronary arteries should be opened urgently in patients who have acute myocardial infarction and ST-elevation in ECG. When transport times are long, thrombolytic treatment is a good alternative to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The purpose of this study was to assess choice of treatment strategy in cases where time after start of symptoms and transport time are decisive for the outcome.
Material and methods. A cohort study of 379 patients, who had myocardial infarction and ST-elevation, and were admitted to St. Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim, Norway in the period 1.11.2007 - 31.1.2009.
Results. 268 patients (71 %) were treated with PCI, and 111 patients (29 %) with thrombolytic treatment. 173 patients (46 %) were transported by helicopter. The counties in Mid-Norway used markedly different treatment strategies for these patients.
Interpretation. Great regional differences were observed in the use of PCI and thrombolytic treatment in Mid-Norway.