Objective: The aim of this study was to elucidate the essential meaning of a consultation between diabetes nurse specialists and patients to gain a deeper understanding of the patients’ experiences.
Methods: Twenty patients with type 2 diabetes were interviewed about their experience of a consultation at an annual check-up with the diabetes nurse specialist. A phenomenological hermeneutic method was used in the analysis and interpretation of the text.
Results: The patient’s experience of a consultation was interpreted as manifestation of hold on the disease control. This means a safeguard to continue daily life shown in the four themes being controlled, feeling exposed, feeling comfortable, and feeling prepared.
Conclusion: The patients’ experiences of a consultation with the diabetes nurse specialist became the basis for a health maintenance process in dealing with critical health-disease aspects.
Implications to practice: In a consultation, professionals have to take into account the potential emotional turbulence that disease progression can mean to a patient. Diabetes care implies patient dependence on support to avoid a potential self-management insufficiency and call attention to professionals’ time for listening to patients’ perceptions. Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.