Experiences of the implementation of clinical practice guidelines - interviews with nurse managers
and nurses in hospital care
The implementation of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) has become an increasingly common element of clinical care, but little qualitative research has been conducted in real-life clinical settings. The aim was to elucidate experiences and factors of importance for the implementation of CPGs in hospital care. Twenty interviews were conducted, audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. A manifest and latent content analysis was performed to interpret the text. A system of subcategories related to five categories and one overall theme were developed. The data reveal that the implementation of CPGs is continuous processes of creating reliable and tenable routines that involve all staff members and expect to lead to better and safer patient care as well as to increased knowledge and confidence among staff. The process is initiated by internal or external demands and represents a way to keep abreast of knowledge development. Several factors facilitate the implementation and have an influence on the use and compliance with CPGs. To increase support for and willingness to use the CPG, it appears important to involve all staffs in the implementation process as well as to follow up and give feedback continuously to staff and management. It seems necessary to evaluate the process to supervise compliance with CPGs and to balance priorities and costs. Evaluation can also demonstrate importance of the application.
Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.