Valproat gav bra effekt mot aggressivitet vid Huntingtons sjukdom. Endast två fall beskrivna tidigare
Engelsk titel: Good effect of valproate against aggression in Huntington disease. Only two cases reported earlier
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Rask, Gunilla
Andersson, Christian
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 9
UI-nummer: 10121301
Huntingtons disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with motor, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms; the first often the least disturbing for the patient but yet the target of most pharmacological studies. No studies have been made about the use of valproate for treatment of aggression in HD. The patient is a man born 1953 with HD diagnosed in 2001, by 2009 permanently living in a geriatric ward, mainly because of uncontrolled mood swings. Because of worsening aggression the doses of sedatives and antipsychotics were gradually increased; the situation in the end became untenable, with the patient either aggressive or highly sedated with increased risk of falling. Treatment with sodium valproate significantly improved the aggression and made it possible to substantially lower the doses of the sedatives.