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Aortaskada - ovanlig men svår komplikation vid gastrisk bypass. Överviktsoperation kan ge livshotande blödning, visar tre fallbeskrivningar
Engelsk titel: Aortic injury - uncommon but severe complication of gastric bypass. Bartiatric surgery can cause life-threatening hemorrhage, shown by three case reports Läs online Författare: Sundbom, Magnus ; Wanhainen, Anders ; Hedberg, Jakob ; Ljungman, Christer ; Haglund, Ulf Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Fallbeskrivning UI-nummer: 11011549


Läkartidningen 2011;108(4)146-9 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Gastric bypass produces massive weight loss, relief in comorbid conditions and improves quality of life. Sweden has low perioperative mortality. The number of laparoscopic gastric bypasses in Sweden has increased five-fold during the last five years. Laparoscopy has many advantages, as well as specific complications. Although infrequent, major iatrogenic damage does occur when entering the abdomen. We present three cases of aortic injuries during laparoscopic gastric bypass for morbid obesity. Vascular injuries are uncommon, but life threatening and require assistance of a vascular surgeon. Optical trocars, even if designed to reduce visceral and vascular injury, are not faultless.