Hyperkalemi vid kronisk lymfatisk leukemi. Varsam provhantering avslöjade pseudohyperkalemi
Engelsk titel: Hyperkalemia in chronic lymphatic leukemia. Careful specimen handling revealed pseudohyperkalemia
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Butler, Marie-Louise
Persson, Hans
Email: mlbutler@telia.com
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 7
UI-nummer: 11021609
An unexplained elevation of potassium in serum or plasma in patients with leukaemia and other cancerous diseases with leukocytosis, lymphocytosis or thrombocytosis can be caused by the lysis of fragile cells in vitro, which allows potassium to be released from the cells, creating hyperkalemia in vitro, also known as pseudohyperkalemia. This phenomenon can be avoided by obtaining the blood without a tourniquet, with manual, careful and hasty transport of the blood to the laboratory and, if all else fails, testing potassium levels in arterial blood.