FRAX - modell för att beräkna 10-årsrisken för fraktur. Stöd i behandlingen av osteoporos, enligt preliminära svenska riktlinjer
Sweden is a country with one of the highest incidences of osteoporotic fractures accounting for approximately 70 000 fractures each year. These numbers are expected to rise in the future due to the increase of the elderly population. Against this background, the development of skeletal-specific drugs has been shown to decrease fracture risk. The application of these treatments in society depends upon a number of considerations, one of which is to identify individuals who best benefit from treatment and, conversely to avoid unnecessary treatment in those who least benefit. A recent innovation has been the development of FRAX® which is a fracture risk assessment tool that integrates information from several risk factors and derives an estimate of fracture probability. It is presently informing guidelines in several regions of the world. The present paper addresses the question how this tool might be utilised to update current guidance in Sweden.