Snapping pes-syndrom med lös knoglefragment er en sjaelden årsag til mediale knaesmerter
Engelsk titel: Snapping pes syndrome with a loose bone fragment is a rare cause for medial knee pains
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Knudsen, Roland
Al-Aubaidi, Zaid
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 11091963
A case of a patient with snapping pes syndrome following a blunt trauma to the knee is presented. Snapping pes syndrome is a painful catching experienced at the posteromedial corner of the knee from pes anserinus when moving from flexion to extension.Since the accident ten years ago the patient experienced a painful snapping phenomenon on the inner side of the knee. MRI and arthroscopies found no explanation. Ultrasound revealed that the semitendinosus snapped over a bony fragment during extension of the knee. Removal of the fragment resulted in remission.