Cerebrospinal venös insufficiens som orsak till MS har svagt stöd. Inte rimligt att nu erbjuda ballongvidgande behandling
Engelsk titel: Cerebrospinal venous insufficiency as a cause of MS weakly supported. Unreasonable to offer balloon dilation therapy now
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Bergqvist, David
Wanhainen, Anders
Email: david.bergqvist@surgsci.uu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 35
UI-nummer: 11101038
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) has been suggested as a hypothesis explaining the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). In case reports, balloon dilatation of obstructed venous outflow has been successful and enthusiastic patient histories have given hope to MS patients. A systematic review of the evidence behind the pathophysiological hypothesis as well as concerning balloon dilatation does not support this form of treatment outside well designed trials.