Stora könsskillnader i användningen av läkemedel. Bakomliggande sjukdom otillräcklig förklaring, visar en systematisk analys
A comprehensive analysis of gender differences in drug utilization was undertaken using data on dispensed drugs from the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register with complete coverage for the entire Swedish population (9 million inhabitants). During 2009, 59% of all men and 75% of all women in the country purchased at least one prescribed drug. Pharmacological groups with a higher use in women were antibiotics, analgesics, antidepressants, sedatives, vitamins, diuretics, NSAIDs, antianemic preparations and ulcer drugs. Pharmacological groups with a higher use in men were ACE-inhibitors, lipid lowering agents, anticoagulants, antidiabetic agents, antigout preparations, psychostimulants, drugs for alcohol dependence, antipsoriatics and antiarrythmics. Some of these differences could not entirely be explained by differences in the underlying diseases. This regards for example antibiotics, antiobesity preparations, vitamins and some cardiac drugs.