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Inre säkerheten i tåg eftersatt. Fallstudie efter tågkraschen i Kimstad
Engelsk titel: Interior safety in trains neglected. A case study after the train crash in Kimstad Läs online Författare: Holgersson, Annelie ; Forsberg, Rebecca ; Saveman, Britt-Inger Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 18 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 12011486


Läkartidningen 2012;109(1-2)24-6 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Railway traffic and speeds continue to increase as do train crashes and their severity. Simultaneously, the Swedish railway network is overloaded, impeding necessary maintenance and aggravating an already dangerous situation. Crash avoidance systems have been improved, but interior safety seems to be neglected. In the present case study from a train collision with an excavator, 21 people in the train were injured – one fatally. Intrusion and interior structures (seats, tables, etc.) caused the most serious injuries. Luggage caused moderate and minor injuries and glass caused the most frequent, but minor injuries. Large height differences between the ground and the train entrance were regarded as a secondary injury risk when evacuating the carriage. Design changes such as creating energy absorbing interior structures would potentially mitigate the injuries, especially when combined with shutters over luggage compartments and anti-lacerative glass surfaces. Ladders for evacuation could also reduce the risk for secondary injuries.