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Studying young recipients of alcohol marketing - Two research paradigms and their possible consolidation
Engelsk titel: Studying young recipients of alcohol marketing - Two research paradigms and their possible consolidation Läs online Författare: Hellman, Matilda Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 60 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 12023563


Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2011;28(5-6)515-31 ISSN 1455-0725 E-ISSN 1458-6126 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


AIMS – The article discusses and compares two European studies that investigate young recipients of commercial messages on alcohol. The studies spring out of very different science philosophical paradigms. Their comparison therefore brings certain ontological, epistemological and methodological questions to a head. DATA AND METHODS – A large amount of existing research and theorizing has been reviewed in order to frame the studies concerning the following aspects: their goals (genesis, purposes etc.); their view on the nature of reality (ontology); their view on how knowledge is created and expanded (epistemology) and, their view on the role of values in research and theory building (axiology). RESULTS – It is suggested that although the studies work in separate paradigms and are concerned with different phenomena, they could gain from a consolidation for complementary purposes. CONCLUSIONS – The task of studying alcohol marketing audiences puts the alcohol research field’s methodological capacities to the test. The field needs more interactive collaboration between different research traditions in order to produce credible research in this area.