Pulsoximetriscreening av nyfödda hittar medfödda hjärtfel. Erfarenheter från Kalmar
Engelsk titel: Pulse oximetry screening of newborns detects congenital heart defects. Experiences from Kalmar
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Green Erik
Rosenkvist, Carl-Johan
Email: erikp@ltkalmar.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 4
UI-nummer: 12021706
Children who are born with duct dependent circulation are at risk of sudden heart failure and death when the ductus arteriosus closes. Screening with pulse oximetry is a method to identify these children. POX-screening is an important complement to the somatic examination. It can save lives if carried out at the right time and made available to the pediatrician. It seems at least cost-effective and identifies children with other serious conditions. The clinical benefit increases when the screening is continually evaluated.