Tilslutningen til HPV-vaccination kan öges ved henvendelse fra almen praksis til ikkevaccinerede
Engelsk titel: Contact from general practitioners to unvaccinated girls can increase HPV vaccination consent
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Hohwu, Lena
Bro, Flemming
Email: fbro@alm.au.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 12047862
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of general practitioners (GPs) follow-up of unvaccinated girls in the Danish Human Papillomavirus catch-up vaccination programme. Telephone interviews were conducted with the GPs to explore their follow-up procedure. The girls were divided into two groups: 1) girls contacted by their GP and 2) girls not contacted by their GP. Ten months later 61% of the girls, who had been contacted, had started vaccination in the follow-up group compared to 53% of girls, who had not been contacted (p < 0.02). Follow-up by GPs increased the likelihood of subsequent vaccination in a group of unvaccinated girls.