Levnadsvanor, upplevd stress och hälsa hos personal inom ambulansens och
räddningstjänstens verksamheter
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Levnadsvanor, upplevd stress och hälsa hos personal inom ambulansens och räddningstjänstens
There are comparable as well as non comparable factors for personnel involved in ambulance and emergency services. The aim of this study
was to describe and compare the ambulance and emergency personnel-rated health, physical activity, diet and work-related stress factors and
some physiological measurements. The groups were recruited through convenience sampling. Questionnaire was used as data collection
method. In addition, physiological measurements of all participants were measured at one occasion. Important relationships emerged regarding
health status, perceived fatigue and workload of ambulance personnel. Emergency services of physical activity showed a major difference
in relation to ambulance personnel. Job satisfaction was perceived as good in both occupational groups, however, experienced ambulance personnel
more psychologically stress. Significant difference was seen between the groups regarding fatigue after a session. Obese and those with
high waistlines was over-represented in the ambulance. There were more ambulance personnel staffs that were treated for hypertension and /
or diabetes. Differences were found between the groups regarding hypertension, diabetes and physical activity. It was concluded, the lifestyle
factors that can prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, are the ones, were not overweight, exercise regularly, had
a good diet and experienced a good job satisfaction.