Olämpliga läkemedel till äldre ordineras främst i primärvården. Rekommendation om medel som
"bör undvikas" är inte tillräckligt känd
Engelsk titel: Inappropriate drugs for the elderly are mainly prescribed within primary health care. Recommendation
on drugs that "should be avoided" is not known well enough
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Söderberg, Karin G
Frisk, Pia
Nilsson, J Lars G
Email: lars.nilsson@spfpension.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 12057978
Swedish guidelines present drugs which should be avoided for elderly patients (inappropriate drugs). Using an electronic questionnaire, information regarding the acquisition and use of such drugs was obtained from 500 patients at 71 Swedish pharmacies in May 2011. The inappropriate drugs were mostly prescribed by GPs, more frequently to patients of the age group 80+ than to 65-79 years old. Most patients had used the inappropriate drugs for one year or more. They visited only one or few other doctors and they had seen the same doctor many times. The majority had their medicines picked up from the pharmacy by family members or other caregivers, and therefore did not receive the drug information included in the dispensing process. It appears that Swedish GPs are not familiar with the prescribing guidelines regarding inappropriate drugs for elderly.