Selvmord Status Skjema - begrepenes relevans for akuttinnlagte suicidale pasienter og helsepersonells erfarne nytteverdi
Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital completed a project to investigate whether Suicide Status Form (SSF) is appropriate to use in the acute psychiatric setting. The project has been designed to examine how suffering is reflected from the psychological experience of psychological pain, stress, agitation, hopelessness and selfhate, which is the five psychological concepts in the SSF. Psychometric properties of the SSF and inter-rater reliability of the code manual for qualitative descriptions are investigated. To what extent SSF is considered to be a useful tool is examined from the perspective of nursing staff and therapists. Results: We found an average high level off suffering in the sample. The internal validity of the concepts were investigated, and the correlational relationship between the concepts proved to have acceptable values. Inter-rater reliability for qualitative variables was low. Both the nursing staff and therapists find SSF appropriate to use in an acute psychiatric setting.