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Prövetaking av döende pasienter - et etisk dilemma
Engelsk titel: Blood sampling in dying patients - an ethical dilemma Läs online Författare: Magelssen, Morten ; Godal, Ellen ; Os, Erik ; Smith, Anders ; Solås, Hanne Rusten ; Åsten, Pamela ; Hem, Marit Helene Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 17 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 12053120


Bioingeniören 2012;47(5)12-6 ISSN 0801-6828 E-ISSN 1890-1875 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Biomedical laboratory scientists (BLS) are sometimes required to take blood samples from patients in a terminal phase. If the blood sampling is insufficiently justified, the BLS may experience drawing blood as unethical and unpleasant. This article considers the biomedical laboratory scientist’s ethical dilemma and possible solutions, with deliberations in a clinical ethics committee as the starting point. The dilemma is analysed in light of the concepts of moral integrity and moral stress.