Engelsk titel: Prolonged bouts of sitting is a metabolic risk factor
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Ekblom-Bak, Elin
Ekblom, Björn
Email: eline@gih.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 33
UI-nummer: 12097337
Prolonged bouts of sitting, independent of regular exercise, strongly increase the risk for common public health diseases and mortality. A sedentary behaviour means lack of muscular contractions, so called muscular inactivity, within the large muscle groups of the body, and limited low intensity everyday life activity. A recent postulated hypothesis suggests physical inactivity and prolonged sitting to be an independent cause of a cluster of diseases which all share important pathogenetic mechanisms, “the diseasome of physical inactivity”.
Pathogenic mechanisms linking muscular inactivity to increased health risks have been suggested: low energy expenditure, leading to accumulation of visceral fat and activation of low-grade systemic inflammation; impaired endocrine function of the skeletal muscle causing malfunction of several organs and tissues of the body; low shear stress followed by decreased anti-inflammatory and antioxidant responses. Increasing low intensity everyday life activity and avoidance of a sedentary behaviour are major targets for future health.