Atypisk debutsymptom i form af perifer emboli efter stumt myokardieinfarkt
Engelsk titel: Atypical primary symptom in the form of peripheral embolisation after painless myocardial infarction
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Holm, Jakob
Taskiran, Mustafa
Nielsen, Tonni
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 4
UI-nummer: 12107470
We report a case with peripheral embolisation as the primary symptom of a painless myocardial infarction with left ventricular mural thrombosis. The patient was suffering from severe pain in his leg due to arterial occlusion. Subsequent electrocardiography and echocardiography documented severe damage to the left ventricle and a big motile mural thrombosis. A coronary angiography showed subtotal occlusion of the left descending artery. Patients presenting with peripheral thromboembolic episodes should be examined for cardiac cause even in the absence of cardiac symptoms.