Moral norms in older Swedish women's drinking narratives. Enduring patterns and successively
new features
Engelsk titel: Moral norms in older Swedish women's drinking narratives. Enduring patterns and successively
new features
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Abrahamson, Maria
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 36
UI-nummer: 12103949
AIMS – To examine how the changes in women’s relationship to alcohol during the 1960s
appear in narratives of situated drinking occasions. DATA – Newly collected autobiographies
written by women born between 1918 and 1951 are analysed using theories by William Labov on
narrative construction and Kenneth Burke on the rhetoric of motives. RESULTS – The historically
restrictive attitude to women at all drinking is present in the oldest women’s narratives, while the
liberalisation of attitudes to alcohol that took place in the 1960s likewise marks the narratives told
by the younger women, even though they when writing are of pension able age. With the writers’
diminishing age, the norms framing the narratives have changed, from sobriety among the oldest
women to controlled moderation among the younger. And yet, the narratives also demonstrate
a stable pattern of questioning women’s drinking, although the focus has shifted from tasting
alcohol at all to the state of becoming intoxicated. CONCLUSIONS – A controlling norm remains
in place, which the women have internalised and made their own. The mitigating circumstances
and the neutralising explanations that are presented throughout indicate that the women are
conscious of the narratives’ deviation from the prevailing norm, and show that women take a risk
in drinking alcohol. When a woman drinks she risks her femininity.