Nytt stöd för bedömning av neurologisk prognos efter hjärtstopp. Rekommendationer från svenska HLR-rådets expertgrupp
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is started in 4000 victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Sweden each year and the survival rate is approximately 10%. The subsequent development of a global ischemic brain injury is the major determinant of the neurological prognosis for those patients who reach the hospital alive. Induced hypothermia is a recommended treatment after cardiac arrest and has been implemented in most Swedish centres. Recent studies indicate that induced hypothermia may affect several methods for neurological prognostication and previous international recommendations are therefore no longer valid when hypothermia is applied. An expert group from the Swedish Resuscitation Council has reviewed the literature and made recommendations taking into account the effects of induced hypothermia and concomitant sedation. A delayed neurological evaluation at 72 hours after rewarming is recommended for hypothermia treated patients. This evaluation should be based on several independent methods and the possibility of lingering pharmacological effects should be considered.