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Praksisrefleksion i hjemmesygepleje - et koncept for kompetenceudvikling
Engelsk titel: Reflection on practice within community nursing - a concept for development of competences Läs online Författare: Praestegaard, Jeanette ; Espander, Tina ; Glasdam, Stinne Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 28 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 13023600


Klinisk Sygepleje 2013;27(1)39-49 ISSN 0902-2767 E-ISSN 1903-2285 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


As a consequence of the municipality reform and the consequent move of services from hospital to primary healthcare, a Danish municipal wished to strengthen the professional competences, fellow-feeling, and collegiate spirit of their community nurses, taking their starting point in their newly developed ‘profile for community nurses’. This article presents a concept for reflection on practice which consists of a competence-developmental project. The project originates from Wacherhausen’s theory of reflection on practice, in ‘Appreciative Inquiry’, comprising appreciatory communication, and in the method ‘The narrative team-reflection’. The concept is about the community nurses in practicing and analyzing appreciatory communication here and now and in giving and receiving constructive mono- and inter-professional feedback. In conclusion, the developed concept for reflection on practice generates fellow-feeling, strengthens the community nurses’ professional competences and promotes collegiate spirit and engagement. The concept can easily be applied to other professionals and/or to other themes for practice development.