Tyggegummi kan forebygge mellemörebetaendelse - en gennemgang af et Cochranereview
Engelsk titel: Chewing gum can prevent acute otitis media
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Lous, Jörgen
Email: jlous@health.sdu.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 13047171
This Cochrane review includes four studies from Finland. The review is well carried out and easy to read and understand. The meta-analysis showed that healthy children can reduce the risk of acute otitis media by using two pieces of xylitol chewing gum five times a day (risk ratio 0.75, 95% confidence interval 0.65-0.88). In the xylitol groups less than 1% more dropped out because of abdominal discomfort compared with the control groups.