Misstron mot vaccinationer måste bemötas med respekt. Trots vaccinkritik är anslutningen till barnvaccinationsprogrammet unikt hög
Engelsk titel: Mistrust of vaccinations must be treated with respect. Adherence to the childhood vaccination program is uniquely high despite criticism of vaccination
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Lindberg, Anders
Email: aglindberg@gmail.com
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 39
UI-nummer: 13067416
Vaccinations belong to the greatest achievements in preventive medicine. However, scepticism is often heard in the public debate. Fear of adverse events has come to dominate the discussion, but lack of trust in vaccinations has many reasons; religious, philosophical, historical, social, political and psychological. Critical views on vaccines are easily spread by the new information technology. Still, trust in the Swedish immunisation programmes is high and should be possible to maintain with the help of a modulated and respectful dialogue.