Vektdokumentasjon, kroppsmasseindeks, måltidsfrekvens og nattefaste blant eldre
sykehjemsbeboere - en pilotstudie.
Engelsk titel: Weight documentation, body mass index, meal frequency and overnight fast among elderly in
nursing homes - a pilot study
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Sortland, Kjersti
Gjerlaug, Anne Karine
Harviken, Gunn
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 44
UI-nummer: 13073262
Background: Research shows that there is a high occurrence of malnutrition among elderly residents at nursing homes. In Norwegian nursing
homes this is seen in the lach of sufficient rutines for weight registration and registration of weight alterration. Furthermore, there is few fixed
meals and too long overnight fast. This is why it is important that nurses and nursing students have the necessary competence in this area.
Aim: The aim of this study is to examine weight documentation, weight changes, meal frequency and overnight fast among elderly nursing
home residents.
Method: A total of 243 elderly (. 70 years) participated in the study. Data collected was; data for last registered weight, former and present
weight, weight change, height, body mass index (BMI), age, length of overnight fast, meal frequency, and length of nursing home stay.
Results: Thirty-three percent were weighted according to current guidelines, while 26 % were weighted for between one to twelve months ago.
Weight was not registered for 26 %. Forty-two percent had experienced weight loss since last weight registration, 24 % had no weight change
and 34 % had increased their weight. The overnight exceeded 11 hours for 98 %.
Conclusion: More than half of the residents were not weighted according to guidelines, weight loss were more frequent than weight gain.
The overnight fast was too long. Nearly two thirds of the sample in the group are malnourished or at risk of developing malnutrition.