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Forgiftning med parametoksymetamfetamin
Engelsk titel: Intoxation with Paramethoxymethamphetamine Läs online Författare: Al-Samarraie, Muhammad S ; Vevelstad, Merete ; Nygaard, Ilah Le ; Bachs, Liliana ; Mörland, Jörg Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 24 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 13077576


Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening 2013;133(9)966-9 ISSN 0029-2001 E-ISSN 0807-7096 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


BACKGROUND Since the summer of 2010, there has been an epidemic of deaths related to paramethoxymethamphetamine (PMMA) in Norway. We present a review of the pharmacology and toxicology of the substance. MATERIAL AND METHOD The review is based on a literature search in the databases PubMed, Ovid and MEDLINE. A discretionary selection was made of relevant articles. RESULTS Paramethoxymethamphetamine and paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA) are two so-called designer amphetamines which appear from time to time on the illegal narcotics market in many countries. They are frequently sold as ecstasy or amphetamine, often mixed with amphetamine or methamphetamine. The substances, known on the street as «Death», have potent serotonergic effects and are associated with significant toxicity. Many deaths have been reported worldwide, even after intake of an «ordinary user dose». The narcotic effect is not very pronounced and the onset is slow, which may lead to unintentional overdosing. INTERPRETATION In cases of severe intoxation that are apparently related to intake of amphetamine or ecstasy, PMMA/PMA intoxation should be suspected.


Engelska MeSH-termer