Psychometric evaluation of a Swedish Self-Efficacy scale and Recovery Locus of Control scale in
the context of minor illness
Engelsk titel: Psychometric evaluation of a Swedish Self-Efficacy scale and Recovery Locus of Control scale in
the context of minor illness
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Gustafsson, Silje
Sävenstedt, Stefan
Vikman, Irene
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 48
UI-nummer: 13093533
Reliable and valid instruments are essential when examining the role of self-efficacy and locus of control in the self-care context. The aim of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the Self-Efficacy Scale in Self-Care (SESSC) and the Swedish version of the Recovery Locus of Control scale (RLoC) in the context of minor illness. A descriptive correlational design was used to assess the psychometric characteristics of the scales. The study population was 317 randomly selected Swedish inhabitants aged 18-80. The results from this study showed that the RLoC has limitations in reliability and validity and should not be applied in the context of self-care of minor illness. The SESSC proved to be a reliable and valid instrument in assessing self-efficacy in self-care for minor illness.
Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.