Rektaleksploration er en nyttig undersögelse i udredning af patienter med kolorektale og urogenitale symptomer
Engelsk titel: Digital rectal examination is a useful clinical procedure in the work-up of patients with colorectal or urogenital symptoms
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Khadem, Talie Hadi
Rosenberg, Jacob
Achiam, Michael P
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 13127209
Digital rectal examination (DRE) is a simple and inexpensive clinical procedure to assess colorectal or urogenital complaints and is an essential part of the abdominal examination. DRE is a useful diagnostic and screening tool when reasonable suspicion of disease is present. Improved training and encouragement to perform DRE on a regular basis play an important role in improvement on DRE findings and the diagnostic accuracy improves with experience.