ABC kommer för genopvarmning ved behandling af svaer hypotermi
Engelsk titel: ABC ahead of rewarming in the treatment of accidental hypothermia
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Bjerregaard, Jens
Kjaergaard, Benedict
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 30
UI-nummer: 14017485
The treatment of accidental hypothermia is still controversial and missing detailed evidence-based guidelines. Current knowledge suggests that advanced trauma life support principles must be prioritized ahead of rewarming. In case of cardiac arrest, initiation of extracorporeal circulation before rewarming and prolongation of hypothermia at 33 °C to reduce reperfusion injury and cerebral hyperthermia is recommended but is not as yet implemented as standard treatment. We propose a simplified clinical approach to on-site triage of hypothermia: 1. Awake below 35 °C (Glasgow Coma Scale > 8). 2. Unconscious below 32 °C. 3. Absent respiration and circulation below 32 °C.