Patientoplevelse af accelererede brystkraeftoperationer belyst ved spörgeskemaundersögelse
Background: The care of patients undergoing fast-track surgery for breast cancer is supported by specific clinical guidelines and pathways during the perioperative period. Aims: The aim of the study was to develop and validate a questionnaire to assess the patient experience of adherence to guidelines for breast cancer fast-track surgery. Methods: A questionnaire was developed for each stage of the trajectory, and the core areas of the questionnaires were: knowledge and development, psycho-social factors, pain and nausea, skin and tissue, sexuality and activity for each clinical pathway. Nine Danish hospitals participated in the study. Results: The main areas such as: knowledge and development, sexuality and psychosocial factors, and pain treatment need to be improved, and the post discharge period is insufficiently covered. Conclusion: An important finding is that the post discharge period needs more attention. The method can be used for other patient groups as well.