Behandling vid icke-suicidalt självskadebeteende kräver tydlig struktur. Randomiserade kontrollerade studier visar evidens för DBT och MBT
Engelsk titel: Treatment of non-suicidal self-injurious behavior requires a clear structure. Randomized controlled trials show evidence for dialectical behavior therapy and mentalization-based treatment
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Lundh, Lars-Gunnar
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 21
UI-nummer: 14027570
Self-harm, particularly in the form of non-suicidal self-injury, has been identified as an increasing problem among adolescents and young adults. Treatment effects on self-harm have been studied in a number of RCTs, although only some treatments show consistently positive effects. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is the most empirically studied treatment so far. A comparison with other treatments (including mentalization-based treatment, schema-focused therapy, and some others) suggest the following common factors as being probably important for the efficient treatment of self-harm: 1) a clear treatment structure; 2) an empathically-validating therapeutic relationship; 3) a methodological focus on increased emotional awareness and improved emotion regulation; and 4) explicit strategies to decrease the risk for iatrogenic effects of treatment, which for several reasons seem to be especially pronounced with this group of patients.