Ökat omvårdnadsbehov främsta orsak till lång vårdtid på medicinklinik. Retrospektiv journalstudie styrker att tidig vårdplanering skulle kunna ge bättre platstillgång
Engelsk titel: Increased nursing
care needs primary cause of long hospital stay in medical clinics. A retrospective medical record study proves that early care planning could provide better hospital bed capacity
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Skärby, Rut
Chorell, Elin
Karling, Pontus
Email: pontus.karling@vll.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 14027572
The aim of the study was to analyze factors of importance for how long patients are treated at a medical ward. A systematic analysis of medical records was performed in all patients admitted to the medical wards during March–May 2012 (n?=?1?523) at the University Hospital of Northern Sweden in Umeå. Factors related to type of disease, disability, social background and care given were recorded and interpreted by multivariate analysis. 50% of the patients stayed in the ward <3 days, occupying 14% of all beds. 24% of the patients had a hospital stay >5 days and occupied 65% of the beds. The following factors was strongly associated with a long stay >5 days (vs 3–5 days stay): need for more elder care, the need of >1 X-ray investigations, nutritional support, hypoalbuminemia, invasive treatment (e g intravenous antibiotics) and the need for oxygen treatment >2 days.