Trombektomi gav gott resultat vid basilaristrombos. Förlängt tidsfönster för ingreppet föreslås
Engelsk titel: Thrombectomy gave good results in basilar thrombosis. Prolonged time window for the intervention is proposed
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Gu, Weigang
Jonasson, Per
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 20
UI-nummer: 14087147
Basilar stroke is one of the most devastating acute cerebral vascular events. Intravascular thrombectomy may be performed beyond the 4.5 hours intravenous thrombolysis time window. However, the time window for thrombectomy in basilar stroke remains unclear. In our clinics, two cases of coma of unknown origin were diagnosed through CT angiography as distal basilar occlusion and treated with thrombectomy. Recanalization was achieved at 10 hours after stroke onset in case 1 and at 13 hours in case 2. The first patient regained consciousness shortly after operation and walked unlimited at 2 months after stroke. The second patient woke up slowly with cortical blindness, cerebellar ataxia, and unilateral weakness. At 10 months post stroke, he moved unlimited with mRS 2. Therefore, acute brain CT scan should always be accompanied with CT angiography in cases of coma of unknown origin for the differential diagnosis of basilar stroke where thrombectomy may be considered up to 13 hours after stroke onset.