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Praemalignitet i mundslimhinden
Engelsk titel: Premalignant oral mucosa lesions Läs online Författare: Holmstrup, Palle ; Jontell, Mats Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 16 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 14093604


Tandlaegebladet 2014;118(9)692-6 ISSN 0039-9353 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Premalignant oral mucosa lesions Identification of premalignant oral mucosal lesions is an essential part of dentists’ preventive efforts. Oral leukoplakia is the most important of these lesions and according to the traditional paradigm the potential for malignant development is related to localization and presence of epithelial dysplasia. While recent studies have not supported this paradigm, future malignant development does vary with clinical type (i.e. homogenous/ non-homogenous leukoplakia), and the size of the lesion. There seems to be no positive effect of surgical removal of the lesions on future malignant development. Since a number of carcinomas not identified by the preoperative biopsy were present in the removed lesions, however, it may be desirable to remove the lesions to assist with diagnosis.