Engelsk titel: Collecting narratives?
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Iversen, Anne
Email: anne.iversen@svt.ntnu.no
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 24
UI-nummer: 14091136
The article challenges the idea of collecting narratives and addresses the apparent gap between the theoretical assumptions underlying the narrative perspective and the methodological reflections within this perspective.
Theoretically, the narrative perspective holds that people actively construct a sense of order by engaging in sense making processes. Further, sense making processes are viewed as relational processes where meaning is
constructed and negotiated in interaction with context. Methodologically, however, it seems like research encounters are still deprived of these sense making processes. In research encounters, narratives are collected, not
constructed. In this article, I analyse three case studies in order to explore the relational aspects in research encounters. The analysis shows that the label "collecting" is insufficient to grasp the meaning constructing processes
in research encounters. It also shows that different research relations construct different kinds of qualitative material. The article concludes that it is necessary to include analysis of relational patterns in research encounters in
order to validate qualitative material.