Malabsorption efter fedmekirurgi kan öge komplikationsraten ved efterfölgende plastikkirurgisk korrektion
Engelsk titel: Malabsorption after bariatric surgery can increase the risk of post-operative complications of the following plastic surgery
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Hasanbegovic, Emir
Ahm Sörensen, Jens
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 27
UI-nummer: 14097263
Some obese individuals are able to lose weight through dietary changes and exercise, others do so with the help of bariatric surgery. There is a significantly increased risk of post-operative complications after body contouring surgery in post-bariatric patients compared to non-bariatric.
Malnutrition/malabsorption is a possible explanation. This article examines the major abnormalities seen in protein, vitamin and trace elements in patients who have undergone gastric bypass, and their implications for following plastic surgery.