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Höftledsartroskopi ny teknik vid höftledssmärta
Engelsk titel: Hip arthroscopy, new technique against hip pain Läs online Författare: Ahlden, Mattias ; Sansone, Mikael ; Jonasson, Pall ; Swärd, Leif ; Karlsson, Jon Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 29 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 14107337


Läkartidningen 2014;111(36)1445-9 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Hip arthroscopy is a rapidly evolving field in terms of indications, prognostic factors and surgical technique. The most common indication for hip arthroscopy is femuro-acetabular impingement. Femuro-acetabular impingement (FAI) may produce symtoms of pain in association with athletic activity or in daily life. FAI is caused by osteophytes on the cervikal head-neck junction (cam) or at the acetabular edge (pincer). Treatment of femuro-acetabular impingement includes resection of the impinging osteophytes, preferably using arthroscopic technique. In Sweden, research is performed in order to clarify possible causes of FAI and to prospectively evaluate the outcome of hip arthroscopy.