Routine standardised outcome measurement to evaluate the effectiveness of occupational
therapy interventions: essential or optional?
Engelsk titel: Routine standardised outcome measurement to evaluate the effectiveness of occupational
therapy interventions: essential or optional?
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Laver-Fawcett, Alison J
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 60
UI-nummer: 14103635
This article presents the case for why the effectiveness of occupational
therapy intervention should be monitored and reviewed by the
routine use of rigorous and well-standardised outcome measures.
Occupational therapists must be committed to contributing to the
evidence base related to the effectiveness of occupational therapy
interventions and know how to select and apply valid and reliable
outcome measures in day-to-day practice, service evaluation and research
activities. Drivers for evidence-based outcome measurement are
explored and the need for an increased utilisation of patient reported
outcome measures is discussed. Some measures, many of which are
available as Norwegian versions, are suggested as potential outcome
measures for occupational therapy services.