Fewer re-admissions and bed days following an intensive transitional post-discharge aftercare
programme for a mixed diagnostic group of patients
Engelsk titel: Fewer re-admissions and bed days following an intensive transitional post-discharge aftercare
programme for a mixed diagnostic group of patients
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Nilsson, Maria
Mir, Shazia
Larsen, Jens Knud
Arnfred, Sidse
Email: Maria.Elisabeth.Nilsson@regionh.dk
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 14103679
Background: The organization of aftercare is important for a successful outcome; still the
optimal organization has not been fully explored. An intensive transitional post-discharge
aftercare (TA) programme, for a mixed group of non-psychotic patients, was recently
developed. Patients with non-psychotic diagnoses are often discharged with low well-being
while still symptomatic, placing high demands on aftercare. Aims: To evaluate retrospectively
the short and long-term mental healthcare service use during and after the TA programme
compared with the service use of a retrospective comparison group (RC), receiving less
intensive outpatient aftercare. Methods: Number of re-admissions, bed days and emergency
visits after 10 weeks, 6 months and 1 year was retrospectively collected from electronic patient
registers. Descriptive statistics, independent samples T -tests and repeated-measures analysis of
variance was used to compare the groups. Results: The majority of patients in both groups
suffered from affective disorders, followed by personality disorders and a small number of other
psychiatric diagnoses. Service use in the TA group was lower than in the RC group with fewer
bed days after 10 weeks ( P 0.01) and after 6 months ( P 0.003), and fewer re-admissions
after 6-12 months ( P 0.04). Emergency contacts did not differ signifi cantly between the two
groups at any point. Conclusions: The present study indicates benefi cial effects of intensive TA,
for a mixed group of non-psychotic patients. The lower service use in the TA programme group
is in line with day treatment programme research for patients with affective disorders.