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GPS-sporing i demensomsorgen
Engelsk titel: GPS tracking in dementia care Läs online Författare: Thygesen, Hilde ; Moser, Ingunn Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 17 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 14113823


Geriatrisk Sykepleie 2014;6(2)10-5 ISSN 1891-1889 E-ISSN 1893-563X KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Many people with dementia enjoy being outdoors in spite of cognitive impairment. The use of GPS tracking devices in dementia care can provide the elderly with freedom to go outside alone, under control. This article is aimed specifically at the situation of family caregivers. Method: This article is based on empirical data drawn from the EFORTT -project (ethical framework for telecare technologies), a EU-project involving four European countries. The focus of the Norwegian study was on the use of telecare technologies in dementia care. Results: The empirical data shows that the use of GPS - tracking has important implications for the actors involved. Both the persons with dementia and family caregivers are reporting on improved safety and increased independence. The findings also show that GPS -tracking is assigning new tasks and responsibilities to family carers. Conclusion: The critical point is that many family carers do not have the capacity, skills or competencies needed in order to take on the new tasks and responsibilities by themselves. These are important aspects related to the expectations telecare technologies are expected to fulfill, that are rarely discussed. The question that is raised is how healthcare professionals working with telecare in elderly care can meet these challenges. Keywords: Dementia care, GPS -tracking, new tasks/responsibilities, competence.