Ungdomar med missbruksproblem - en deskriptiv studie av Mariamottagningarna i Stockholm,
Göteborg och Malmö
Engelsk titel: Young people with substance abuse problems - a descriptive study of the Maria clinics in
Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö
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Anderberg, Mats
Dahlberg, Mikael
Email: mats.anderberg@lnu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 28
UI-nummer: 14113905
There is a lack of knowledge about the adolescents who are in contact with the
outpatient care in Sweden for alcohol and drug problems. The purpose of this
article is to describe the adolescents who receive treatment at Maria outpatient
care in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, on the basis of an empirical material
from the structured interview UngDOK. The descriptive cross-sectional
study is based on a material on 755 adolescents who had begun a treatment
contact. The study highlights the importance to include several risk and protective
factors in the screening and assessment instruments addressed to adolescents
entering care and treatment for substance abuse problems, to identify
and pay attention to these factors in the treatment process.